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Football Pitch Size Guide - Banner ImageFootball Pitch Size Guide - Banner Image



Whilst most sports governing bodies have very stringent and specific guidelines regarding the dimensions of regulated playing areas such as courts, fields and pitches; 11-a-side football pitches can vary quite significantly in terms of their width and length.

In this guide, we will break down the different sizes and dimensions of regulation football pitches so if you’re looking to mark out a new football pitch you’re in the right place!

Read on to find out more about the range of dimensions allowed for regulated full size football pitches and the dimensions of pitches used for youth and small-sided matches.

The History Of Football Pitch Markings & Sizes

When the game of football was first established in the UK there were no markings to speak of and the size of pitches was not standardised in any way. Players would simply use a suitably sized, grassed area as their football pitch. In the early nineteenth century, corner flags were used to mark out the length and width of the pitches; but it wasn’t until the 1860s that lines began to be used to mark out the pitches’ touchlines and goal lines.

The football pitch as we know it today came into being in 1902 when updated rules stated that regulation football pitches needed to have penalty areas, halfway lines and penalty spots, in addition to touchlines and goal lines. Please see our history of football blog post for more information.

Youth Football Pitch Sizes By Age

Full-size senior football pitches are regarded as too big for children to use in regulated matches. As a result, the FA has set out guidelines which include a set of recommended football pitch dimensions for youth teams. The rules of the game are also modified for youth players, with smaller-sided games stipulated in regulated leagues, for any players under the age of 12.

In addition to specifying the recommended football pitch dimensions, the FA also advises that pitches include a “runoff area” around the perimeter of the pitch. This acts as a safety boundary so that players do not collide with anything or anyone should they stray off the pitch.

The runoff area adds an additional 6 yards to the pitches' length and width. The runoff area is not included in the table below:

Football Pitch Dimensions by Age Group
Age Group Players Pitch Length Pitch Width
U7/U8 5 v 5 40yds (36.6m) 30yds (27.4m)
U9/U10 7 v 7 60yds (54.9m) 40yds (36.6m)
U11/U12 9 v 9 80yds (73.15m) 50yds (45.72m)
U13/U14 11 v 11 90yds (82.3m) 55yds (50.3m)
U15/U16 11 v 11 100yds (91.4m) 60yds (54.9m)
U17/U18 11 v 11 110yds (100.6m) 70yds (64.0m)
Over 18 (senior ages) 11 v 11 110yds (100.6m) 70yds (64.0m)


Under 7 & 8

The FA recommends that children aged 7 and 8 years old should play a modified 5-a-side format of the senior game; with 5 players on each team at any one time. Coined “Mini Soccer”, the football pitches used should be 40 yards (36.58m) long & 30 yards (27.43m) wide.

A size 3 football should be used to play any regulated under 7 or 8 games. The goal posts should also be significantly smaller than those seen in 11 vs 11 matches, standing 12ft (3.66m) wide and 6ft (1.83m) high.

In terms of the markings and areas on the football pitch for Under 7/8 games; the penalty box should be 9 yards (8.23m) long (as measured from the goal line) and 16 yards (14.63m) wide. The pitch should also feature a penalty spot that is marked out at 7 yards (6.40m) from the centre of the goal, and a runoff area that should be 3 yards wide around the field's edge (2.74m).

Under 9/10

According to FA guidelines, players participating in the Under 9 & Under 10 matches should use a football pitch that is 60 yards (54.87m) long and 40 yards (36.57m) wide and compete in 7-a-side matches.

A size 3 ball should be used, and 12ft (3.66m) x 6ft (1.83m) goal posts.

The penalty spot is marked out 8 yards (7.32m) from the centre of the goals in under 9/10 games, and the penalty boxes are 18 yards (16.46m) wide (across the pitch) and 10 yards (9.14m) long (as measured from the goal line).
 Under 11/12
Matches in Under 11 & 12 leagues, should be played with a 9 v 9 player format, 16ft (4.88m) x 7ft (2.13m) goal posts, and a size 4 ball.

The football pitch for regulated U11/12 matches should be 80 yards (73.15m) by 50 yards (45.72m).

The penalty spot is marked at a distance of 9 yards (8.23m) from the centre of each goal, and the penalty area should be 32 yards (29.26m) long & 13 yards (11.89m) wide.

The goal area should be represented by a line that runs parallel to, and 4 yards (3.66m) out from the goal line. The goal area should be 14 yards (12.80m) wide.

Under 11/12

Matches in Under 11 & 12 leagues, should be played with a 9 v 9 player format, 16ft (4.88m) x 7ft (2.13m) goal posts, and a size 4 ball.

The football pitch for regulated U11/12 matches should be 80 yards (73.15m) by 50 yards (45.72m).

The penalty spot is marked at a distance of 9 yards (8.23m) from the centre of each goal, and the penalty area should be 32 yards (29.26m) long & 13 yards (11.89m) wide.

The goal area should be represented by a line that runs parallel to, and 4 yards (3.66m) out from the goal line. The goal area should be 14 yards (12.80m) wide.

Portable Football GoalsPortable Football Goals
Football Pitch Line MarkerFootball Pitch Line Marker

Under 13/14

Players in Under 13 & 14 leagues should play with an 11 vs 11 player format. Matches should be played with a size 4 ball and the goalposts should be 21ft (6.40m ) wide and 7ft (2.13m) high.

The football pitch should be 90 yards (82.30m) long and 55 yards (50.29m) wide.

The penalty box should be marked out so that it is 14 yards (12.80m) by 35 yards (32.00m) in size, and the penalty spot should be 10 yards (9.14m) from the centre of each goal. The goal area must be 5 yards (4.57m) by 16 yards in size (14.63m).

Under 15/16

For Under 15 and Under 16 regulated matches a football pitch should be slightly smaller than a typical senior football pitch, with dimensions of 100 yards (91.44m) long and 60 yards (54.86m) wide.

The 11 vs 11 games should use size 5 balls and full-size 24ft (7.32m) by 8ft (2.44m) goal posts.

The penalty spot should be marked out 12 yards (10.97m) from the centre of each goal, and the penalty box should be 18 yards (16.46m) by 44 yards (40.23m) in size. The goal area ought to be 6 yards (5.49m) by 20 yards (18.29m).

Under 17/18 & Seniors

Players 17 years of age and above, should play on a full size football pitch. Although football pitches can vary quite significantly in terms of their dimensions, the FA currently recommends that senior, full size football pitches should ideally be 110 yards (110.58m) long and 70 yards (64.01m) wide.

Somewhat confusingly, top-level football pitches in the UK, are typically larger than FA recommendations, at approximately 115 yards (105.16m) long and 75 yards (68.58m) wide.

At the amateur level, the IFAB (International Football Association Board) states that senior football pitches can be 110yards (110.58m) to 130 yards (118.87m) long, and 50 yards (45.72m) up to 100 yards (91.44m) wide. So in theory, you could play on a football pitch that’s 50 yards wide one weekend, and play on a pitch that’s literally twice as wide the next week!

Whilst IFAB (the official “guardians of the law of the game”) allow a large discrepancy in football pitch dimensions at the amateur level, for international football pitches, IFAB Laws of the Game documentation are more stringent and specify that pitches should be 110 yards (100.58m) to 120 yards (109.73m) long and 70 yards (64.01m) to 80 yards (73.15m) wide.

Despite the variance seen in senior football pitch perimeter dimensions, goal areas on full-size pitches are all 6 yards (5.49m) by 20 yards (18.29m), with penalty spots marked 12 yards (10.97m) from the centre of each goal and penalty boxes measuring 18 yards (16.46m) x 44 yards (40.23m) in size. The goals should be 24 feet (7.32m) by 8 feet (2.44m), and the ball should be a size 5.


With many small-sided matches, leagues and tournaments taking place each year across the UK, both indoors and outdoors, it’s important to make sure that players are competing on a pitch that is the correct and regulated size.

The football pitch diagrams below show the dimensions required for 5-a-side, 7-a-side, 9-a-side and 11-a-side matches.

5-a-side football pitch size

The FA refers to 5-a-side matches as “Mini Soccer” and recommends that pitches are 40 yards (36.58m) long and 30 yards (27.43m) wide. Both indoor and outdoor 5-a-side pitches or courts, should adhere to these dimensions. 5-a-side football goal posts should measure 12 x 6ft (3.66 x 1.83m) for youth/junior players (under 7s & 8s), and either 16 x 4 ft (4.88 x 1.20m) or 12 x 4ft (3.66m x 1.20m) for senior players.

5 a side football pitch dimensions5 a side football pitch dimensions

7-a-side football pitch size

7 vs 7 football matches are also referred to as “Mini Soccer” by the English FA. 7-a-side football pitches should be 60 yards (54.87m) long and 40 yards (36.58m) wide to conform with FA guidelines. 7-a-side football goal posts should be 12ft (3.66m) wide x 6ft (1.83m) high.

7 a side football pitch dimensions7 a side football pitch dimensions

9-a-side football pitch size

A football pitch used for 9-a-side matches should be 80 yards (73.15m) long and 50 yards (45.72m) wide. 9-a-side football goal posts should be 16ft (4.88m) x 7ft (2.13m)

9 a side football pitch dimensions9 a side football pitch dimensions

11-a-side football pitch size

If you've ever wondered what the standard size for a football pitch is the official FA recommendations state that full size, 11-a-side football pitches should measure 110 yards (100.58m) long and 70 yards (64.01m) wide.

Top-level pitches are typically slightly bigger than the dimensions recommended by the FA, with most pitches measuring between 112 yards (102.4m) to 115 (105.2m) yards long and 70 yards (64.0m) to 75 yards (68.6m) wide.

Amateur football pitches can fluctuate significantly in size and can be between 100 yards (91.44m) and 130 yards (118.87m) long, and 50 yards (45.72m) to 100 yards (91.44m) wide.

This means that regulated, amateur 11-a-side football pitches can be as small as 100yds x 50yds, and as big as 130yds x 100yds, meaning the surface area can vary from as little as 5,000yds² (4,180.64m²) to as big as 13,000yds² (10,869.65m²).

In regards to senior football goal sizes, 11-a-side goal posts should measure 24ft (7.32m) x 8ft (2.44m) for Under 15's and senior matches, and 21ft (6.40m) x 7ft (2.13m) for under 13's and under 14's teams.

11 a side football pitch dimensions11 a side football pitch dimensions


The actual lines on a football pitch must be marked out correctly for regulated matches. The official documentation published by the FA, states that the actual lines “must be of the same width which must not be more than (12cm) 5 inches” and that “the goal lines must be of the same width as the goalposts and the crossbar”.

One important consideration is that lines are included in the measurements of the lines, as lines are considered part of the playing area/pitch.

Goal Area

Also known as “the six yard box”, the goal area measures 6 yards (5.49m) x 20 yards (18.29m). The goal area is used to designate where a goal kick can be taken from. In addition, indirect free kicks cannot be taken by the attacking team from within the opposition’s goal area.

Penalty Box

The penalty box, colloquially called “the 18-yard box”, is actually a rectangle which is 18 yards (16.46m) long and 44 yards (40.23m) wide.

The penalty box is the area within which the goalkeeper can use his hands to hold or touch the football.

As the name suggests the penalty box is also the area whereby a penalty kick is awarded to the attacking team should a foul be committed by the defending team inside this area - unless an indirect free kick is awarded for dangerous play.

Penalty Area Arc

Also called “the D”, the Penalty Arc resides on the edge of the penalty area, opposite the goalposts. The penalty arc is not considered part of the penalty box and only comes into play when a penalty kick is being taken.

When a penalty kick is awarded, only the goalkeeper of the defending team and the nominated penalty-taker from the attacking team can stand within the penalty box. The rest of the players must stand outside the penalty box and the penalty arc until the penalty is taken.

Football line marking machineFootball line marking machine
Penalty Spot on a Football PitchPenalty Spot on a Football Pitch

The Penalty Spot

The penalty spot (also called the “penalty mark”) should be marked out 12 yards (10.97m) from the goal line. The penalty spot should be marked out in line with the centre of the goalposts. The penalty spot is measured from the centre of the spot, to the back edge of the goal line.

The ball must be placed on the penalty spot when a penalty is taken.

Corner Arcs

Corner arcs have a radius of 1 yard (0.91m). The radius is marked out from the base of the corner flag. When an attacking team is taking a corner kick, the ball must be placed within the corner arc, or on the line of the corner arc. Defending players should position themselves at least 10 yards (9.15m) from the ball until the corner kick is taken.

Halfway Line

The halfway line is marked across the pitch, at a point halfway between the two goal lines, splitting the pitch into two halves. Teams must stand within their “own half” of the pitch during kick off, which is taken from the centre spot of the pitch. Players cannot be offside within their own half of the football pitch.

Centre Spot & Centre Circle

The centre spot is found in the middle of the halfway line, and represents the centre of the entire pitch. The centre circle is marked out 10 yards (9.15m) from the centre mark. During the kick off and the restart of the match after a goal is scored, the ball is placed on the centre spot and the opposing team must stand outside the centre circle within their own half.

Runoff Area

The runoff area is a safety boundary that runs around the perimeter of the football pitch. The FA recommends that the runoff area should be 3 yards (2.74m) wide and free of any obstacles or structures including team shelters and lighting equipment.


With football pitches across the UK varying in size, you may be interested to know what the dimensions of the top English clubs are.

We’ve researched some of the most famous grounds and pitches and collated the information in the table below.

As you’ll see in the table, many of the top football clubs have football pitches that are 114.8yds (105m) long and 74.4yds (68m) wide to conform with UEFA’s “Category 4” football stadium regulations.

Premier League Football Pitch Dimensions
Club Ground Location Length Width
Manchester United Old Trafford Manchester 114.8yds (105m) 74.4yds (68m)
Liverpool Anfield Liverpool 110.5yds (101m) 74.4yds (68m)
Chelsea Stamford Bridge London 112.6yds (103m) 73.2yds (67m)
Manchester City Etihad Stadium Manchester 114.8yds (105m) 74.4yds (68m)
Arsenal F.C Emirates Stadium London 114.8yds (105m) 74.4yds (68m)
Tottenham Hotspur Tottenham Hotspur Stadium London 114.8yds (105m) 74.4yds (68m)
Aston Villa F.C Villa Park Birmingham 114.8yds (105m) 74.4yds (68m)
Fulham Craven Cottage London 109.4yds (100m) 71.1yds (65m)
Nottingham Forest City Ground Nottingham 115yds (105.2m) 78yds (71.3m)
Wolverhampton Wanderers Molineux Stadium Wolverhampton 114.8yds (105m) 74.4yds (68m)


What is the size of a football pitch in feet?

Although football pitches can vary in terms of their dimensions, a typical Premier League football pitch, including those found at Villa Park and Old Trafford, measures 344.4 feet long and 223.3 feet wide. This gives these football pitches a total area of approximately 76,900ft².

What size are women's football pitches?

The regulated pitch size and goal post size for women is the same as for men. A typical, top-level football pitch for both men's and women’s matches, is 114.8yds (105m) long and 74.4yds (68m) wide.

Which football clubs have artificial pitches?

Artificial pitches are not permitted in the Premier League or the Football League. In the lower-leagues several teams play on artificial pitches including Bromley FC’s Hayes Lane and Eastbourne Borough’s Priory Lane stadium feature 3G artificial pitches.

Whilst Premier League pitches used real grass, a growing number of pitches including Old Trafford contain a mixture of real grass and artificial fibres. These “hybrid football pitches” typically consist of 95% natural/real grass and 5% synthetic.

What equipment do I need to mark out a football pitch?

In order to mark out a football pitch, you will need line marking equipment including paint and a wheel transfer line marker or a line marking machine.

To measure lines accurately, a measuring wheel or tape is required, whilst accessories such as line marking pins and stakes can prove extremely helpful.

You’ll also need 4 corner flags to mark out a regulation football pitch. Football “corner flags” can also be placed where the halfway line intersects with the touchline, but these are not compulsory.


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