Furthur develop your positioning, movement and catching with this advanced handling drill. It focuses on two deliveries testing your capability to produce quick footwork & then handle the ball successfully using different handling techniques. The player begins the drill by moving from the rear of the FORZA mannequin to the front, then after touching a cone they set for a delivery into the body. After returning the ball to the first server, a second delivery comes from the second server to test reactions from a longer distance.
1. Setup a 5 x 5 square with a mannequin placed in the middle. The GK starts at the back of the square.
2. The GK moves quickly around the mannequin and touches either of the front two cones before receiving a volleyed striker from the first server.
3. The GK catches the strike and throws underarm to the first server who moves out of the way so the second server can strike.
4. The GK reacts quickly after throwing the ball to catch the second strike and return to the server with an underarm throw.
Quick Feet | GK Set Position | Eyes on the Ball | Correct Handling Technique
Add variations to the strikes. Put it either side of the keeper.